Facebook Is Charging You?
Congratulations, Facebook, 1 billion users continue to freely give you targeted information with an enormous value to advertisers around the world. And you celebrate this feat by charging them?
Think Big Baltimore
When building something new, it is important to realize that not everyone will understand your model. Don’t get hung up on trying to be complete, but focus on being right.
Hire Me, DC
"With his sights on the future, Flounder has already begun searching for his next opportunity. He teamed up with former DC101 employee, Kyle Benham, to launch an innovative 'Hire DJ Flounder' campaign."
DC101 Fires Flounder
It has been 2 years now and I want to thank you, DC101, for firing my boy, Flounder. Getting fired is never fun. But these experiences certainly bring light to important lessons.
Building The Modern Web
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